Paul & Betty isn't a new sitcom on CBS that follows the funny lives of an average every day American couple with the prerequisite dysfunctional family that includes random gay acquaintances, ethnic best friends and kids who only speak in perfect one liners.
Instead, Paul & Betty is an up and coming Italian luxury shoe company with a dedicated site that's a work in progress. They don't even have a Wikipedia page. What a hot mess! On the flip side, they create lovely shoes for men and women which are a mix of traditional shoe styles with a funky twist.
Take these pair of brogue shoes which are executed in studs instead of the traditional perforated circles. I had to wear them as soon as they arrived in my office. Not having to work in a financial institution has its perks. As a fashion and beauty marketer, I can take liberties with how I dress for success. These shoes might not get me a step ahead on the career ladder, but I'll have pretty feet to look at as I make my way up.
And as I climb up that stairway to heaven, I realize that sometimes, it's the simple act of appreciating the small details in life that's the important part of the journey. Yesterday it was taking the time to appreciate the sandwich guy who gave me an extra pickle. Today it's the studs on my new pumped up kicks that give me a thrill.
That's enough for me as I take one step at a time.
YES: Keep an eye out for Paul & Betty
NO: Avoid Paul & Betty if you have wide feet. Like most fashionable clothing, there's a size limit
MAYBE: You can get the cheaper version of the studded shoes at Kenneth Cole, or you can splurge a little bit more at the trend's originator, which is Christian Loubutin for men
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