Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Stick Your Neck Out

Wikipedia taught me that ties have a long history that date as far back as China and ancient Rome. They were used by soldiers as a way to identify themselves on the battlefield. The Croatian mercenary soldiers marooned in Paris several hundred years ago made them popular. From there a simple trend went through its style evolutions. From a simple red cravat to its complicated lace iterations to its current knotted form, the tie remains a staple in the man's style repertoire. 

GQ and Details and Esquire and Men's Health, Journal, Playboy etc will tell you how to tie one on based on how small or fat your neck is, but no one ever explains what your  tie says about you. A poorly knotted tie says you don't have a clue. A cheap tie is worn by a man who's got no goals. And a well made tie only means you get paid well but doesn't make you more of a man.

Moreover, a tie is a historic link to what makes a man a man. Because even after our own soldiers have stopped wearing ties in the battlefield, the tie is still a powerful symbol for the tribe of men. 

YES:  Tie one on once you figure out which role you play in the man tribe, but please try to show that you give a damn (see your latest GQ for details)
NO: A tie is not for you if you're against the man
MAYBE: You're the kind of guy who only needs a tie for weddings or when you have to say "yes, your honor"


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