Monday, May 26, 2014

It's Google's Fault

I blame the internet.

It's the reason why people have evolved into an insatiable lot. They just can't be satisfied. A regular coffee is no longer good enough. Because based on a Google search, beans pooped by a civet cat deep in the jungles of Indonesia provide the best sip of java on these lips. Everything else tastes like shit except for the defecated beans of this wondrous feline and its digestive track.

Likewise, chicken is no longer poultry. It is free range, organic and has its own Twitter feed promoting its hormone free life with selfies taken from the farm. How adorable. Now get in my stir fry where I will bathe you with the best oyster sauce, courtesy of Fresh Direct.

Because all of the data that's available on the click of the mouse has made everyone a know-it-all and in turn has made everyone a connoisseur . Even if you don't know what you want, there's an app for that.

The desire to have the best in everything has permeated all facets of life from the organic cotton your underwear is made of to the all-natural conflict free sugar cookie you're eating in your recycled-authentic Eames chair.

Even the poor rich has to work harder to keep ahead of the Jonses, Diddys and Kardashians. Each time they think they've cornered exclusivity, the other have caught up based on an RSS feed from the Fabulous Life of the Insanely Rich and Quasi-Famous.

This is probably how tulip fever started in the Netherlands.

Consumerism is like a video game. Once you level up and defeat the dragon to move up to the next level, you're back to square one to do it over and over again until you either conquer the game to save the princess in the castle or you die along the way. Fin!

Life isn't all about things; and I do prefer to get my things at a well-organized store rather than waiting in a well-organized line for the one meat of the day. No thank you North Korea. But when do we say enough is enough?

This is just proof that knowledge is power, which can also be a dangerous thing.

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