Sunday, December 1, 2013

On Your Mark…Get Set…SHOP

Personally, I prefer a quick visit to the gym versus a jaunt at Target at 4 AM in the morning the day before the store even opens for Black Friday.

I fall into the majority of sane people who forgo the bargain-hungry crowds for the casual and impersonal world of online shopping.

Can I touch the fabric or even try it on to make sure it will fit? No.

Is it a hassle to return for the person getting the gift? Yes.

Do you save as much as you do when you line up at the store and make a mad dash to the flat screen TV's and piss-mark on the one that's yours? Probably not.

But I won't get shot at, trampled to death or freeze my ass off outside.

If you want to live, shop online. You can always do a search to see if there's a hidden coupon code to help you save extra for your gift. And if you're like me and most of the people in your life you give gifts to live in a different state, then you're better off shipping it directly to them.

If you have a death wish, love elbowing your way through the crowds and showing off your crazy hoarding side in public, then find your nearest Walmart. But please case the joint before you go. Don't want you to get lost. Eye on the prize!

You don't have a computer and you're in line at Best Buy 5 minutes after finishing your turkey so that next year you can shop online. In this case, you have my blessings. Go get em and make sure to pick up a laptop case too. They're on sale!

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