Friday, February 22, 2013

WTF Rick Owens

Read this on and thought how ridiculous this quote is.The man lives off the money he makes from clothing etc. To tell people to buy less and exercise more is so LA.

Naturally there's a grain of truth in what he says. Consume better things and focus less on the material. If you really want to enhance your physicality then do it with crunches versus buying the must-have tube top of the season. Perhaps that's why Rick's clothes cost so much because he views them as investment pieces that you'll have for a lifetime.

Designers say the darndest things.

Despite Rick's attempt at discouraging me from buying his clothes, I still like the man and his weave.

Perhaps he doesn't need money or clothing or even food to live. He can survive off endorphins generated by every push up. More power to you Ricky.

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