So this happened this week and it's caused quite a kefuffle in the media, which leads me to believe that...
It's a slow news week in the world. This couple's ability to draw continued media attention is a combination of part luck multiplied by the lack of real news in the world to report.
Who cares about the Obamacare deadline, the odd circumstances of the Malaysian airlines situation or the fact that Ukrainian women are boycotting sex with Russians because of the Crimea situation. Let's talk about an egotistical rapper and the woman who invented selfies.
If they are the true reflection of the world around us, then what I've learned is that as a society we are not that interesting. because at the end of the day, even real news bore us.
I'm not a hater of the Kimye. They don't do anything for me, but I can see how they appeal to people. He sometimes makes good music and she sometimes looks pretty. As for the picture, it's underwhelming. I'm more interested in reading the profile.
Anna Wintour just wants to remind us that she's the smartest woman in the world by putting them on the cover. Because you know you can't stop talking about it...looking at you Billy Bush of Access Hollywood.